Thursday, December 31, 2015

Cosplay Summary 2015

I must say, 2015 has been a roller coaster of emotions on my part but I am happy to look back at this year's cosplays and view them as achievements. This year has been very kind to me in terms of my hobby. 2015 was a year of very exciting opportunities.

Let's look back at the past 365 days, shall we?

(c) Infinity Studios, Eyestrain Photoworks, Bernard Garbo and my mom

T H A N K  Y O U  2 0 1 5 !

Yazawa Nico - Ozine Fest 2015

(c) Infinity Studios
Chizuru Yukimura - Moonstruck Creatives Shoot

(c) Paulo Aquino
Benio - Moonstruck Creatives Shoot

(c) Romeo Encisa Jr.
Morgiana - Otaku Expo Reload

(c) Infinity Studios
Galaco NEO - Cosplay Mania 2015

(c) Infinity Studios
Alice Liddell - Fantasy Quest 4

(c) Eyestrain Photoworks
Yazawa Nico - Fantasy Quest 4

(c) Jenco Photography
Alice Liddell - Ozine Fest AFS 2015

(c) Infinity Studios

Year Highlights

I don't think this is a year highlight, but I do want to give a special mention to my Morgiana cosplay, which I retired last Otaku Expo Reload. Morgiana was one of my earliest characters when I started out on cosplay, and it really holds certain memories that I won't ever forget. I won't be bringing out this cosplay in conventions anymore, but I might allow it for invited photoshoots.

(Photos by Gil Urrea, Michael Espinola and Eightren Photography.)

Definitely a year highlight is the first opening of my official Facebook page! I was overwhelmed to reach more than a thousand likes in a span of months, and I am so happy that people like and support my cosplay even from miles away. I will continue to do my best and produce more quality cosplays.

Meeting Jun and Neru in person was a dream I never thought of achieving in this lifetime, but thanks to Fantasy Quest and the team, I had the chance to meet two of my cosplay inspirations.

It may come as no surprise, but working with Moonstruck Creatives has been very much an honor. I look forward to working with them again.

Thank you, 2015. As always, looking forward to the year to follow.
Let's explore the opportunities together.
Cheers, and a very Happy New Year!

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