Sunday, December 15, 2013

Makeup Review: Etude House Tear Drop Liner in #1 White Tear

My money ;A;
It's all gone ;A; But worth it!

This was actually the product of semi-impulse buying. I really was looking for a nice glitter eyeliner in department stores and drug stores, but I sort of gave up because they didn't sell the kind that I needed. :( Buuut, Etude House kicked in. I was planning to buy primer, but this pretty little thing caught my eye and I immediately changed my mind.

Off to the review!

Photo from Etude House.

I bought this for Php 385 ($8.72) and it has 8g of the product. It comes with a nice, thin applicator attached to the cap, with the manufacturing date printed on it. Unlike other products, this doesn't have description/how to use printed on the back.

Size comparison, next to a six-inch ruler.
Swatch, no flash.
Swatch, with flash.
The color changes, depending on the light. Without flash and under natural light, it looks pearly white. With flash, it looks silvery. It also shimmers a light pink under different angles. It's very glittery, too.

I don't recommend this for natural looks, but it looks nice for glam, ulzzang and maybe a few cosplay characters. You could probably use this on your upper lash line as well for a glittery glam look. As for me, I like using it as highlight~

It doesn't last that long, I'd say about 3-4 hours the most. It's easy to carry around and easy to apply for easier retouching. It takes quite a while to dry, about a minute. But you can smudge it around for a subtle glittery effect.


  • Easy to apply
  • It doesn't feel heavy on the eyes
  • Vibrant color and nice shimmer effect


  • It gets clumped up at times, especially when you have wrinkles or creases
  • Not waterproof, so when I put on eye drops for my contact lenses it gets washed away
  • It's sort of difficult to remove because the glitters tend to scatter

Quality: 4/5
Price: 3/5
Packaging: 3/5 - You can't really maximize it because the applicator doesn't reach all the way to the bottom and it's difficult to get some of the product that are stuck on the sides.

Overall: 4/5
Repurchase? Maybe. It's a little pricey.

*This is not a sponsored review.

That's all, sankyuu~
Bye bye :3

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